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Get familiar with the reaction system: Introducing the Reaction System

One last box of goodies

No pictures, but contains:

Approximately 40' of 14awg zippy wire. This is the stuff you bury underground for low power lighting. Probably only good up to 200-300 watts.

One Monoprice 3.5mm to RCA, perfect for plugging your phone in to a receiver. 6'

4x 30uF
2x 20uF
8x 18uF
5x 15uF
2x 8.0uF
2x 10uF
4x 6.8uF
2x 4.7uF
2x 2.2uF

Some random laminate core coils and some speaker pins, 4 red and 4 black, screw type.

$90 shipped to lower 48

Paypal only.

PM me or email me at jr at midwestaudioclub dot com

I have a signature.


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