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Paging MCM man Geoff

   MCM sells an 8" woven fiber woofer. You use to have (a long time ago) a 6.5" version that went the ay of the Dodo. I did not have the pleasure of using that woofer until it was on clearance. I doubt it is ever coming back, but it is one of the best mid-priced drivers I have ever used (IMHO of course) and would take it over just about any of the other mid-priced woofers inducing the Dayton ref. and Peerless offeringings.

here is the 8", for reference, and here is my question:

Are there any other woofers you carry that have, perhaps, the same motor, different cone, or the OEM of that woofer so some digging can be done to find something similar? Every-time I hear it in the speaker at the guy's house I used it in, I find myself thinking it is the only woofer that I cannot get over the fact that it went NLA. Thanks for any help in advance, I know it is a strange request.


  • I will ask around and try to figure something out for you :)

    Best Regards,

    Geoff Schneider
  • I have a thought... That cone on the new KB series frame and motor might be swell.
    I have a signature.
  • I have looked into it, and from what I gather, we brought that driver in and discontinued it twice. It was a good driver, it just did not sell. My boss has spoken, and he says NAY! lol. 

    I will think about a woven fiber cone on a new generation of KB drivers if we can start selling them well.

    We need to spread the word so we can start offering you guys more cool toys ;)

    Best Regards,

    Geoff Schneider
  • I figured as much... No secrets as to a supplier so I may be able to hunt down something similar?   

    It did some amazing things in a ported enclosure with an oversized port and despte it having modest x-max, the mechanical limit was unreal. 

    Sigh* I need ro let go. Its not like the new offerings are slouches! 
  • I figured as much... No secrets as to a supplier so I may be able to hunt down something similar?   

    It did some amazing things in a ported enclosure with an oversized port and despte it having modest x-max, the mechanical limit was unreal. 

    Sigh* I need ro let go. Its not like the new offerings are slouches! 
    lol. I will send you a message.

    I wish I could have heard them.

    I like to think not, we have some pretty nice drivers being offered right now :)

    Best Regards,

    Geoff Schneider
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