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Palimpsest . . .

. . . A word to add to your speaker building vernacular.

Soon, I shall create one of my own from parts stored from my distant past.



  • I guess if I make a matching pair they would be called, Palimpsesticles?

  • @Steve_Lee said:
    I guess if I make a matching pair they would be called, Palimpsesticles?

    Only if they are hanging speakers... :o

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • A thinking man. ^


  • @rjj45 said:

    @Steve_Lee said:
    I guess if I make a matching pair they would be called, Palimpsesticles?

    Only if they are hanging speakers... :o

    Gonna need to utilize the laser-level for this project - they might be out of phase if one hung low . . .

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