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Sextumvirate concept...

edited June 2022 in DIY

Name is word meaning "a group of 6 men".

I recently saw a photo of the old Paradigm Reference 6x10" sub in a double-stack hexagonal format. I happen to have 5x of the 1138SMF, so this could be rather inexpensive to cook up. I figure on 40 ltrs due to the shape and dimensions required. This will be a double stack of spoked bracing across the central pole and 3x wired in series in each 20 ltr sector. The drivers are just over 6", so figuring on 13" high internal, and 6.5" wide per side. Using the spokes as the main alignment items for assembly and making them a little long, this should allow another face to be mounted to make the amp fit if needed.
The SPA300D and DSP250 should both be suitable for about 240 and 230W respectively into 6 ohms.

Modeling in +6dB at 30Hz will yield a decent low F3 sealed. (Yes, I know the model shows 15 ltrs, but it's only a decibel different in the lower ranges.)

Why? Likely just because I can....



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