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Funny DIY videos

I have been following this guy on IG for a while now, but he recently started making YT videos - I must say they are pretty fun to watch - he has a very funny personality and good editing/music =)


  • Out of all the speaker building YouTube videos I’ve seen, that was one of them ;)

    I realize these are amateur videos, but it drives me nuts when these creators have 3 or 4 edits to complete a sentence. Edits need to be in between sentences, do a retake if you can’t make that happen.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Agreed! SMH.

    You sure hit a nerve with me on that crap. In my former life, I was the chief photographer at a local station. I taught basic shooting & editing to new photogs, reporters & interns. Always started with the basic film-making techniques. Thankfully this YouTube "style" hasn't seeped into the broadcast world. But give it time!

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