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Prosound stuff for sale...

For those that knew him, these items were Matt's. His mother is starting to unload some more of his audio things. The Speakers are the main items going right now...

2x JBL 2246 (2" exit) with (pretty sure) Radian diaphragms. They have been restored by Matt. He purchased new rubber magnet rings and sticker decals. They have aluminum non-faceted horns (8" x 17"?) and are mounted with magnet support brackets. I cannot find the horns he used in an online search. If there is anyone interested, I will try and find out what domes are actually in these. I will need to take the caps off to find out for sure. I see these listed for $839 when PE sold them. Asking $600/ea, please make offer if interested, no low-balls will be entertained. Pictures and more info on request. Shipping is plausible, but realize these are 33# for drivers alone.

2x Cerwin Vega 18" carpeted pro-sub cabs 2' x 2' x 2' est, fitted with B&C 18TBX100 18" subwoofers. Obviously these cannot be shipped. I am willing to drive a little or make arrangements if possible. InDIYana 2022 delivery to event also possible. Pole sockets installed. Asking $600 each.

2x Cerwin Vega 15" 'tops' cabs retrofitted with 15" Selenium woofers with smooth response. Original tweeters are gone. Hole is present for 1" exit and horn. Original xovers are still installed. $300/each. These are also too large to ship. Poles included. Cabs have reinforced handles, added bracing, vinyl sheet damping and stuffing, as well as Speakon plates installed. InDIYana 2022 deliery et al from previous listing also applies here.

Please let me know if interested,

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