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Dust collection set-up

edited September 2021 in DIY

If I go for a wall mount system ie the grizzly or the dust right, do I really need to add a venturi system ?
What are you guy’s using? And is the WEN air filter ok or is it best to just go with the JET ?


  • I use a Thien separator

    Bunch of ideas in the forum along with my dust collector build.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Thx, I’ll take a look.
    If you don’t mind my asking - I’m also looking at a couple of table saws and wondering if a 1.5hp is sufficient or do I need 1.75 hp? I like the sawstop jobsite as it folds up nice for storage, but unlike their contractor 1.75hp, its only available with a 1.5 hp motor.

    I’m thinking 1.5hp is good for ¾ baltic birch, but will it handle a 1.25 or 1.5 in material? Any thoughts? Thx

  • Not much difference between the two Hps. Should still be able to rip 2x4s and 3/4 hardwood with either. If you are doing 8/4 hardwood then go for more Hp, but 2-3 Hp is better choice for thick hardwood. Thin blades make a difference, but can deflect on long rips.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • greatly appreciated

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