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series crossover questions

How to modify the high-pass filter design from a 2nd order to an approx 3rd order (to attenuate the high-pass a bit more)- if possible with a series crossover design? (i.e a 2nd order LP with a 3rd order HP series crossover)

Additionally, can someone provide a skematic of a series 2nd order HP with a 1st order LP section? I'm trying to get my head around how these designs could be set up.

I've attached a screen shot of a 2nd order LR series crossover


  • Place another coil across the tweeter to get 3rd order on it.
    Remove/short the series coil on the lowpass to get 1st order.

    There are many different ways to use attenuation via resistors, et al.

  • Wolf,
    If you don't mind taking a look at the attached images, to see if I'm looking at this correctly (series positioning of components is not intuitive to me)

  • edited July 2021

    After looking at this a bit more, I think I got the additional L placed correctly for the 2nd order LP + 3rd order HP, but for removing the coil from the right side of the sheet to get to a 1st order LP + 2nd order HP I think I Xed out the wrong coil - I beleive it should be the coil at the bottom of the skematic that should be removed.

    I would appreciate confrimation- thx

  • Remove BOTTOM coil in schematic, not the other one.

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