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Rival Acoustics

Did Rival Acoustics go out of business?


  • edited May 2021

    It looks like RAD has stopped selling some, but Rival itself is likely still in business.

    I wonder if they would be open to another outlet to distribute the few drivers they made available to DIY.

    I have a signature.
  • edited May 2021

    Rival has made many changes while the 'pandemic' was happening. My understanding is that PE and Meniscus were interested in selling their drivers but didn't follow through.
    I know Rival sold to 3 companies that are local but 2 recently closed. I'm still in contact with Rival.

  • Rival's address looks like condos.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • @jhollander said:
    Rival's address looks like condos.

    They have multiple addresses/facilities. I think all their office staff work from home now.

  • @jr@mac said:
    It looks like RAD has stopped selling some, but Rival itself is likely still in business.

    I wonder if they would be open to another outlet to distribute the few drivers they made available to DIY.

    I'm still in contact with Rival. What do you have in mind?

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