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Making sense of Paul Carmody's tarkus crossover diagrams

Hi newbie on the electronics side of things. I'm placing an order for crossover parts, I'm confused by these two diagrams resistor values appear quite different to me. Can some one make sense of this to me.


  • When you parallel resistors you need to calculate the resulting resistance. Should be something like 1/r=1/r1+1/r2 so if you have 2 resistors of the same value, you are effectively halving the resistance.
    I.E. The 2 10Ohm will be now a single 5Ohm resistor.
    This is usually done to either have improved current handling or to get a value you cannot find.

  • Ok I was wondering why a slight change in sensitivity would alter the values so much. I didn't realize combining resistors changes the value by half, thought it would double the resistance. Thanks

  • By doubling the resistors you double the wattage. If the resistors were wired in series you would simply add the values, but the formula given above will work for any number of paralleled resistors, just keep adding to the 1/r's.

  • With capacitors is the opposite, paralleling them simply adds the values, series you need to use the 1/c=1/c1+1/c2 formula.

  • Ok thinK I've got a better understanding, thanks guy's.

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