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We decided to finally update our family portraits. This is one my wife took as our photographer was getting ready. Me and my son Tyler on my Intrepids. Hard to believe its been 3 years since I have finished these. So much has changed in that time. 

Even what can stay and what is time to let go. So they are going to be dismantled and the components repurposed. Why? Certainly not because there is anything wrong with the sound of them. They have been a solid reference for me. But they are silly heavy and I was never happy with the wood finish. So new enclosures, new layout and a twist on the drivers. The Mark Audio Alpair 10 and CSS LD25X will be staying together as a new 2way with a new sub. The lab12Cs will be moving on into a couple of different ideas. 


  • Nice picture, sad story...looks like you taken them out to the woods with a bit of regret...
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • I admit making this decision has not been easy and with a bit of reluctance. But it is time for me to let them go and to have builds that are solely of my own design in the shop for now. 
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