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Get familiar with the reaction system: Introducing the Reaction System

High end monitor happening.

After much work the last month cleaning, organizing, etc I find I have time and wherewithal to engage in a build.

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kenrhodesdcibelS7910Silver1omosquamishdrocDanPjhollanderRon_E6thplanetrjj45and 8 others.


  • Mmmmmmmmmmmm ......... tasty.

  • Grape Scotch! that's not it. Great Scott! There it is ;)

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • That woofer looks ill. What driver is that?

  • Oh - that's exciting!

  • 5" or 6.5"? Can't tell...

  • @Wolf said:
    Joe- read the box.

    Hahaha showing my ignorance.....

  • It's Acoust-X?

  • Wowzer! (throwback - "that's a spicy meatball!") - glad to see your back stocks are being used. Wish I lived closer, them'll be epic!

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • Over at the fb page, JR you mentioned the effects of the bracing showing up in the impedance sweep.

    What exactly are you looking for and dies or how does the box rigidity affect the sweep?

  • @ani_101 said:
    5" or 6.5"? Can't tell...

    Looks like the 5 based on the box it's going into.

    Keep an open mind, but don't let your brain fall out.

    Sehlin Sound Solutions
  • Cool project. Look forward to hearing these someday

  • Ani,

    If there are panel resonances, they will present in the in-box impedance. If you are curious, hook a finished speaker up to your impedance tester and give the cabinet a knuckle-rap while performing a sweep. You should see a "wrinkle" in your resultant curve.

    I have a signature.
  • If these pan out, they will show up at Iowa. For now, here is a predicted bass response:

    I am under no delusion these will win any kind of SPL contest whilst reproducing 40Hz bass - but they will primarily be used near-field so no worries.

    I have a signature.
  • Motus UH130 and Viawave GRT145.

    I actually suck at woodworking.
    The Acoust-X is gonna take some time to cure. Wanna know why? Because apparently I also suck at applying Acoust-X. Sigh.
    These do promise to be in the upper echelon of bookshelves, though.

    I have a signature.

  • This will be there eventual home. The KRK are gonna go to a friend who thinks he needs them to mix on.

    I have a signature.
  • Did you do the knuckle test after applying the acousti-x? Sound different?

  • I sure can, maybe even record it somehow. Hmmm ...

    I have a signature.

  • Couple pics showing my workpiece stabilizer system, and one showing current state.

    4thtryGowaR-CarpenterSilver1omo6thplanetrjj45joeybuttsTurn2e6ziondynamoand 4 others.
    I have a signature.

  • First coat of Duratex. Using it as a high build sealant/primer. Will sand smooth, apply second coat and sand again. I will try to go to 320 grit without burning through, see how it looks.

    I have a signature.
  • Will the seams eventually ghost through using Duratex?

  • @Kornbread said:
    Will the seams eventually ghost through using Duratex?

    Not sure - I've had hit or miss luck with my method, still not sure what the factors are. This is why I do multiple coats of the Duratex, and will eventually have these squirted with automotive paint - probably next spring.

    I have a signature.

  • This is what you are looking for, and why "ghosting" happens quite often. The end grain absorbs and swells to a greater extent than the panel sides. It is why you have to sand almost your entire first coat off.

    I have a signature.
  • It took an enormous amount of effort to ready the Orgons for paint and some places still shown through. Think I'll try hifisides method of laminating the mdf next time.

  • Still one more coat to go, but so far no ghosting. The current cost will simply be knocked down quick with 320 grit, and final coat applied with a 8" foam roller to eliminate as many lines as possible. I am going to make a decision on paint/no paint in the future, after everything had had a chance to cure.

    I have a signature.
  • edited October 2020

    Lookin good JR. I use full width 11" foam roller covers so I can roll every panel without needing to overlap. Then the only thing to contend with is the round overed edges and some extra build up on sharp 90 deg edges.

    Are you going to deploy Zobels in your xo design? Apparently some EYEs still happen to like them :o lol

  • When EYE helped Mark with the Prazise design, the little Motus5 driver HAD to have a small value Zobel to control the knee at rolloff. Otherwise the ripple above the xover point was harder to blend. It's a very wideband midbass that has a shelf higher without breakup. It was however capable of a spread 1st order rolloff design with the right tweeter.

  • I'll see how it shakes out with the crossover. The Viawave is capable of playing very low for a small form factor ribbon, so it opens up a lot of options.

    I have a signature.
  • Looking good JR thanks or sharing.

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