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Tang Band 6.5 build - possible

As I am now almost completely unpacked and the Nerdery is nearing completion I find myself doing some simulations from time to time.

In this case, and since I have not measured the TS on these things it is purely speculative, it is a very small bass module suitable for soundbar augmentation, PC audio, etc.

11L, 50W, and the 8" Dayton Designer Aluminum passive with 70 or 80 grams of added mass. This yields the following:

F3 of 35Hz is really nothing to sneeze at in 11L enclosure. I might be ready to take some measurements as soon as tomorrow to see if this is feasible, or if Tang Band is way off.

Anyways, if it measures up this would make for a pretty slick little bass module.

I have a signature.


  • Of all of my modeling with the 1139, I've never been happy with the DS215 PRs in an alignment. It seems to want to push the PR past the point of reliable operation. Now, the 10" might be a better option to keep things linear.

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