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Powered subwoofer potential build (theoretical as I currently lack the funds to procure proper amp)

So I bought some of those Arial Acoustics 10" subwoofers back in March or so. I have spent some time off and on modeling them using supplied specs (my measurement gear is still packed up, how sad is that?).

Anyways, here are the supplied specs:

Qe: 0.37
Qm: 7.02
Qt: 0.35
Re: 7.16
Fs: 29
Vas: 36.25L
Xmax: 13mm

So, in a sealed 1 cubic foot enclosure, two of them in parallel with a 500W amp utilizing 6db of boost centered at 30Hz yields an F3 of ~32 Hz, F6 of ~28Hz, and SPL of 106db @29Hz. This is with a 4th order 80Hz low pass applied. Xmax is right at limits. I have four of these drivers, so I could potentially build a pair of these.

I do not currently have amplification of this level, nor am I positive I would actually ever listen at 106+ db for any reason unless showing off at a DIY event. 75-80db is definitely my style these days but it is fun to model drivers to their limits. Due to my listening habits, I could probably be very happy with the Yung 300W amp with boost.

I really do not see the point in pushing 10" drivers much into the sub-30Hz territory as far as that goes, but a largish, vented, EBS style alignment would yield some pretty low bass if someone wanted to go that route.

Anyways, I find myself with some time on my hands so am trying to get motivated to build something this week. Maybe I will at least build the cabinets for these and see if I can horse-trade my way into a pair of the Yung amps.

I have a signature.


  • Sounds really cool, but where would the smoke exit from it at a show with no port? Restraint with the volume control......come on.

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