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DIY Port

edited August 2020 in DIY

I'm working on a project where the port was too long for the depth of the box. I came up with this as a solution using some left over black Formica and scraps of BB plywood.




  • Very cool! Reminds me of the periscope we got in some Army play set when I was a kid.

  • Nice, but to what do they attach?

  • @Turn2 said:
    Nice, but to what do they attach?

    I plan to make a template and route a square hole in the back panel before it's attached. I'll attach some blocks to the port to use to screw the port to the back from the inside. I'll make the port opening flush with the back of the panel and veneer over it. All you will see is finished veneer with a black Formica port when it's done.


  • .... I think he meant what speaker will it attach to?

  • 8" MCM 55-5670

  • Nice. You should mount the port on the OUTSIDE of the box to highlight the unique shape. You could call it the "para-port" so something like that. Don't hide it inside the box. ;)

  • @4thtry said:
    Nice. You should mount the port on the OUTSIDE of the box to highlight the unique shape. You could call it the "para-port" so something like that. Don't hide it inside the box. ;)

    Too late.


  • What is that you are using for squaring the cutout?

  • @ani_101 said:
    What is that you are using for squaring the cutout?

    Something like this:

  • Oh YEAH! Gotta get one of those!

  • Need to look it up. Looks useful....

  • It's a called a corner chisel. I got a cheap one with a mortising kit and found a better one on line.

    It's not perfect because it wants to drift side ways but the initial cut is very good and you can touch up the corner with a file.


  • I finally got around to finishing the back of the cabinet and exposing the port. I still need to finish the edge of the veneer.


  • Damn, you nailed it again. Love your clean lines and classic boxes.

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • How do you trim the veneer on the corner of the port? Flush rim bit will leave a bit in the corners.

  • @ani_101 said:
    How do you trim the veneer on the corner of the port? Flush rim bit will leave a bit in the corners.

    How soon they forget. ;) The corner chisel mentioned above with a little hand sanding.


  • I thought the corner chisel was for the wood. The veneer always felt so delicate and thin that I would crack it...! I still need to get the chisel, but summer is a long time away...

  • @ani_101 said:
    I thought the corner chisel was for the wood. The veneer always felt so delicate and thin that I would crack it...! I still need to get the chisel, but summer is a long time away...

    The veneer is glued down and the chisel is sharp and made a clean cut. I did a little trimming with a utility knife and a bit of sanding and it was good.


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