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In-wall subwoofers

A friend of mine asked me to build some in-wall audio stuff for his new house. Most of us are not in wall fans but it does serve a purpose in hiding things. He had the subwoofers from his previous house so we repurposed those, there a car audio sub Rockford Fosgate P3D4-10. Box tune @32hz and f3@28hz each cabinet is 1.8cu.ft. He’s running a Inuke 3000 on them which should be plenty of power anyways here’s some pictures of the project.

I used Kilz in the can to seal them for him as he want to paint them himself. 1 can for both cabinets got me 3 coats with 30 minutes flash time between coats then I let them sit overnight and sanded them with 320grit the Kilz in a can works pretty good.



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