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Forum software to version 3.3

I just upgraded the forum software to Vanilla forums 3.3. Let me know if anything is broke!
= Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."


  • Attachments FIXED.

    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • edited July 2020

    Thanks Jason. quoting a comment is not working. The quote button is missing.

  • Huh, the plugin just got turned off. Wonder why, it works fine in this version from what I can tell...

    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • edited July 2020

    @ani_101 said:
    Thanks Jason. quoting a comment is not working. The quote button is missing.


    I have a signature.
  • Thanks Jason, Quote button is not visible, but the reaction buttons are not visible - they are visible if you hover on the quote - new feature?

    If I recall correctly, they used to be always on, like the quote button is now...

  • Ani, what browser/OS are you on?

    I have a signature.
  • I'm using the AVG-protected Chrome browser, and have the same showings as Ani.

    and with quote hovered:

  • The reactions should always have appeared when you hover, I think? I recall them always doing that.

    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • I'm pretty sure that is how it was as well, just providing a visual for certainty.

  • i am in edge.

    Microsoft Edge 44.18362.449.0
    Microsoft EdgeHTML 18.18363

  • if the buttons are to appear on hover, that cool, just reporting what stood out. But they seem to work, so should be good, i can set reactions...

  • able to attach files, but not able to drag and drop them on the message.

    not able to add image to the message. the image uploads, but it puts a link in the message - which cannot be clicked and the image is not present.

  • The link turns into your image, at least that's how it worked when I snipped and attached photos above.

  • Hmmm, test....

    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • edited July 2020

    @ani_101 said:
    able to attach files, but not able to drag and drop them on the message.

    not able to add image to the message. the image uploads, but it puts a link in the message - which cannot be clicked and the image is not present.

    We might have lost drag and drop (the editor has changed a lot) but using the attach image button (the last button, next to attach file) put it inline for me, looks like a link in the text as Wolf says, but turns into an image when posted.

    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • @JasonP said:

    @ani_101 said:
    able to attach files, but not able to drag and drop them on the message.

    not able to add image to the message. the image uploads, but it puts a link in the message - which cannot be clicked and the image is not present.

    We might have lost drag and drop (the editor has changed a lot) but using the attach image button (the last button, next to attach file) put it inline for me, looks like a link in the text as Wolf says, but turns into an image when posted.

    Thanks Jason, I removed the link when i saw the image didn't attach and instead uploaded it as an attachment...!

  • edited July 2020

    Thanks @JasonP. Appreciate your programming prowess. We just wouldn’t be what we are today without your contributions. In 2012 the last thing on my mind wrt MAC was “hey let’s have a chat forum that’s compatible with smartphones and supports images and attachments.” I’m 100% impressed and grateful for your efforts to push us to the next level. Thank you.

    My signature goes here
  • Just a note- my tablet will not load the pages now, only showing the 'Quote' buttons top to bottom on the thread pages when opened. The laptop takes about 3-10 seconds to load the rest in depending on wifi.

  • @Wolf said:
    Just a note- my tablet will not load the pages now, only showing the 'Quote' buttons top to bottom on the thread pages when opened. The laptop takes about 3-10 seconds to load the rest in depending on wifi.

    Ben, something is wrong on your end.

    I just ran a quick test on my phone and my desktop PC. The threads are loading instantly on both devices.

    I would do a wifi speed test to confirm your connection isn't the issue.

    My signature goes here
  • I don't have very fast speed here anyway- DSL.

  • edited July 2020

    Loading on phone fine, don't have a tablet... (Android)

  • Forum error, won't let me click LOL.

  • Yep, got the same error here too. They just "upgraded" the base software that hosts all this and I suppose some configuration got reset. I'm on it.

    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • me too:
    Incorrect datetime value: '2020-08-05T01:38:22+0000' for column 'DateInserted' at row 1|Gdn_Database|Query|insert GDN_Reaction (ActionID, ParentID, ParentType, ParentAuthorID, InsertUserID, DateInserted) values (:ActionID, :ParentID, :ParentType, :ParentAuthorID, :InsertUserID, :DateInserted)

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • This happens for pretty much any action... Including the reactions or button actions

  • I think I found the fix on the vanilla forums, but didn't have time last night to implement it. I'll do it when I get home this afternoon.

    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Thanks, Jason!

  • And, fixed! Thanks all

    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Just earned the 4th Anniversary Batch.... congrats for this great forum and great bunch of people - this has become my goto forum quite some time back.... <3

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