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12v split rail supply

I would like to make 2: 6.3-0-6.3 transformers into 1:12.6-01-2.6 transformer. Will this work? Pic one is the power supply as I got it. Pic two is the power supply I want to make.


  • What you show above will short the secondaries of your transformers. Much smoke will be released!

    In this case, you won't use the blue center taps at all, so just clip those off and/or insulate them. Take the two inside yellow wires to the "0" terminal and you should be good.
  • Thanks, Tom! I have 8-10 of these transformers but at the 6.3-0-6.3 they are almost useless. At 12.6-0-12.6 they are perfect for many headphone amps. 
  • At 6.3-0-6.3 they are perfect for small tube (preamp) projects  ;)  B)
  • If you know of one send me the link. 

  • Heater voltage
  • started to make 2 power supplies one is the 15-0-15 the other is the 12.6-0-12.6. here are some pics of the 15-0-15

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