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Sketchup for wood working

One of my favourite woodworking Youtube guys just put up a lengthy tutorial on Sketchup basics for woodworking. Could be useful for those with no CAD experience but want to get started.

Personally I'm used to an AutoCAD/Inventor world so Sketchup drives me nuts a bit, I've been using Onshape for any mockups that I do and find it does what I need quite well. Fusion360 is pretty okay too, but you need to download an app where Onshape just runs in a browser which is extremely convenient. If Fusion360 would just run in a browser I'd probably use it instead, as it behaves like a very slimmed down version of Inventor.

I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.


  • Thanks dude - for some reason I have been unable to gain any significant expertise with Sketchup. 
    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
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