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FS: Kreg Accu-cut Jig

$40 + shipping

Kreg Accu-Cut jig that I used in between table saws. New table saw is up and running, so I don't need this anymore. Still plenty of meat left on the cutaway alignment strip on the side that I used, and I never touched the other side. What this means is that you should be able to mount your circular saw in such a way to use the same side that I used and the other side is untouched. Everything else is in great shape.

For anyone wondering about the functionality of this jig, it's great for certain applications. With this jig you can visaully align the track to your markings (not 1.5" over like with a clamping straight edge) and the self gripping pads are legit. You literally line it up and go. This is very convenient and quite accurate.

What this tool does not do is turn your circular saw into a Festool track saw. The accuracy is the same as with a clamping straight edge, the cut quality is the same as with your circular saw and there is no additional dust collection. For the cost, it adds a level of convenience that can turn into a real timing savings over multiple cuts.


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