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Dayton Audio RST28F-4

Is the verdict in? Is this tweeter any good?


  • I have two pairs and I'm having trouble getting enthused about starting a project with it.  One pair is stock with a good impedance curve.   The other pair is from the grab bag "B" stock undergoing the Ben mod.  Both pair are the fabric dome versions.

    I have not listened to either pair in a finished speaker yet.   For some reason, when I hold it in my hand and listen to music with a protection cap in series, it just sounds kind of dull when I compare it to many of the other tweeters I have on hand.   It is certainly no match for my two pair of Peerless Corundom dome  units.     

  • I have not been able to get the results with the f model (who sent them to me?) anywhere near Ben's results.

    A pair of the a's now reside in the new build that is taking forever and a day to get moving on.  While the a sound pretty good on the lower end, I hope the f have a bit more on the top end as these sound a bit dull on top. 

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