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Finally bought a thickness planer

After years of watching craigslist and stopping by our local Retool store I finally found a decent one for what I wanted to spend.  It's a Delta model 22-560, 12.5" x 6".  It had a couple of nicks in the blades so I was able to talk him down a bit.  The replacement blades were only $22 and they are reversable.  Anyway, now I can do more inlays and glue up different species of woods for baffles.  Looking forward to nicer weather :)


  • Lumber is a lot more afordable when you dont have to pay someone else to plane it for you. Enjoy the new tool.
  • Thanks Ken.  Yeah exactly.  Last weekend I went on a road trip with a friend and we visited a couple of hardwood suppliers.  All the good stuff was still rough cut.  They gladly would have planed them for me, but it does add significant cost.
  • After I posted my comment I looked up the model number and it is the same model I had as my first. I milled a lot of lumber with that thing. Good times. One word of cation, dont overload the infeed roller or the rubber will break free from the steel and it wont feed any more.
  • Thanks for the heads up!
  • Next time you are near me (Grand Rapids) give me a shout. I always have cool lumber on hand. I would love to see what you would do with a nice slab or two.
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