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Looks like PE is out of the rear mount ND20FB-4.  I'd like to get a pair if anyone would like to sell or trade some.


 John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails


  • Whatcha got? I have several...
  • These are some drivers that I can let go

    2 of the ND91-8's from the tent sale

    4 of the tiny Eminence 3-8s

    2 Eminence APT30

    2 tent sale Peerless 830878 3 1/2" passive radiator

    2 ND64-4

    2 tiny Visaton FRS7-8

    2 AMT 65-04, same as the Dayton AMT2-4 but from Madi when they stocked them

    2 SB 19st tweeters

    2 of the DMA 105-4

    2 of the XT25SC90

    4 of the TC9FD18-04

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • You sure got a lot of tiny drivers  :p
  • That does not include my collection of peerless TC6's, and 7's. 

    Let me know if you want any of these.
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Okay- I have 10 of the FA-6, and 2 of the FB-4.

    Are the 830878 in good shape, being TS drivers? I'd like the 830878 and SC90s.

    Anything else you looking for? Go even-up?
  • The 830878s are the passive radiators

    I'll open them up and double check I think they are very good. 

    The XT25SC90 should be new, but no box. PM me your address (I know I have your address from last year) and I'll mail them. 

    If you like, send me the 2 FB-4s and a few small used caps.  I'll send you my new address, we have moved.
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Yes- I know they're PRs, as I've used them. I meant Tent-Sale (TS).

    Sounds good! I'm sure you'll pack well...
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