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which neo magnets for grills?

Thinking about making grills for a future build, and there is a vast number of form factor choices for neo magnets.
Any particular diameters/thicknesses that work well?
Also, is there any particular glue/epoxy that keeps 'em in, say BB or solid wood?
I would imagine that if I veneer the baffle, I'd want to put the magnets under the veneer, not sure it would look acceptable
if I used them on a solid wood baffle.

But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!


  • edited December 2019
    I've used both of the smaller round ones, but the slightly larger  (~ 1/4 in, sorry I dont have the container that you see at Home Depot) can work in combo with a flat head screw (for smaller grills).  I haven't veneered over them, for a larger grill I did use the black roll-on texture paint and small magnets on the grill (and wrapped the grill cloth over the frame an magnets- these things are strong.  For smaller grills I've just used the magnets on the grills and put a flat head screw into the speaker and painted over.

    Also, I find a drill bit size that makes the fit very tight (need to put a piece of wood over magnet and tap down with a hammer).  I've just used a clear cement type of glue, the combo has been good.
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