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Transformer hum - specifically Audiosource Amp Seven T

Hey friends. I’ve got a good but bad situation. I own a pair of Audiosource Amp Seven Ts. They are pretty awesome amps save for the toroidal hum. If anyone has experience with this particular amp and that hum please chime in.

There’s not much info on this particular model. I think it was very limited production and I have heard it is a Carver design 

Any input? Thanks?

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  • Bryan, from a google search this pops up:

    So... try a ground plug removal adapter and see what happens?
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Good call Jason, that was my thought too.  The 7T is a Tripath amp, similar to the Carver ZR series of pro audio amps.
    Keep an open mind, but don't let your brain fall out.

    Sehlin Sound Solutions
  • edited June 2019
    JasonP said:
    Bryan, from a google search this pops up:

    So... try a ground plug removal adapter and see what happens?
    Totally tried that. Also tried plugging into another outlet on a different circuit from the source component. Same intermittent hum. Happens on both amps too so I don’t think it’s some random problem. 

    These amps sound great otherwise though so I’d love to nix this problem so I could enjoy at least one of them in my home office / private listening space / nerdery / not-so-acoustically great space / drinking lounge / DIY event panning HQ / etc. 

    I gave one amp to my younger son to power the double bass bins I bought from @jhollander and, well, Sean’s bass guitar rattles the walls of the garage and the PS hum ain’t an issue there. 

    In the bigger scheme of things it’s not a big issue I guess. I suppose it wouldn’t be a bad idea to cart one around maybe to Iowa or other DIY homes to make sure it’s not some shitty electrical problem with my house? Is that even a possibility?

    My signature goes here
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